Ariel Pink – Rudolph’s Laptop

Ariel Pink is a controversial figure, as he is very conservative, to the point of being alt-right or alt-right adjacent. I could literally give a fuck about a musician’s political views, to the point I can forgive Kanye infinitely, as Kanye’s music has been the largest soundtrack to my life. This post isn’t about Kanye, but I will have to highlight the most underrated Kanye song ever on this blog at some point, and make a strong case for it.
I consider some of Ariel Pink’s finest tracks among my favorites all-time, and there’s even one (not this one) I put in my top 3 songs of ALL-TIME. Not going to give away all my favorites off the bat, but his newest song, a Christmas song about Rudolph’s laptop (a weird metaphor for Hunter Biden’s laptop), is a fucking masterpiece. I describe his best songs as epics, as they take you to many different places, Ariel’s best songs basically combine 3-4 songs into one, but also flow perfectly. “Rudolph’s Laptop” is just that, starting off with a massive introduction that builds into a crescendo of Ariel Pink madness, then flips the switch and morphs into a Christmas disco dancing fiasco, and finally into the verse. So at 45 seconds, you’ve basically already heard three different songs. The disco-y part is so upbeat and fun.
If it takes Hunter Biden to motivate Ariel to make songs this good, I hope he dives even deeper into his political leanings, and that democrats give him more fodder.
I could see myself dancing to this in front of a Christmas fire with kids and shit. Prob drunk in the morning off Egg Nog, kids don’t find out that stuff has alcohol in it until middle or high school.

The Author
I wrote this blog for a few reasons. One is because nobody in my circle of friends ever puts me on to music or things that are dope that I haven't heard about (step your game up friends!) as few people nerd out as hard as me on the dumb things I focus on. The other and main reason is because I am so tired of The NeedleDrop and Pitchfork, from the way Fantano talks about music, to the way that Pitchfork writes about it. Both cause me physical pain to read or watch, yet I for some reason occasionally check their review scores, because they are the only sites I know that do stay on top of music (to a degree), and they focus on genres that I'm not tapped into, so occasionally I find something good. Is it worth the pain? No. So let me save you the pain, by only sharing with you my favorites, and maybe you'll find a new favorite. Oh and I also love talking shit, so I'll do that too, but this blog is about showing love to great art.