Jon Jones UFC 285 Heavyweight Champion

Let me start off by saying I can’t fucking stand Jon Jones. He seems to have created his own equation, where he multiplies the number of times he will mention his lord and savior Jesus Christ depending on the severity of the crime he commits. Running over pregnant lady and domestic violence both elicited many hallelujahs and prayers/props to Jon’s lord and savior. So yeah, I lost more respect as he went to his Jesus well again constantly in the press conference leading up to this and the post-fight conference. I get a feeling that post-UFC we will see his name in the news again for a bad reason, but I’m not a prophet like Jesus.
Since this is mostly a hip-hop blog, I must say when I heard him walk out to 50 Cent’s endlessly smooth “God Gave Me Style”, I loved how it was both a nod to his lord and savior, and simultaneously the most pimp song to walk out to. That’s the best walk out song I’ve ever seen, so kudos to Jon for having good taste. Then he switched the song to another one halfway through, which was disappointing, as I was personally hyped by the laid back 50 classic.
Of course, I also gained respect for him as a fighter. I thought Jon looked very beatable against Gustafsson, Santos, and Reyes. Looking back and seeing how some of those are unanimous decisions makes me raise a brow. I figured going up to face Gane would be his toughest challenge by far on paper. I would pick Gane to destroy all three of those guys. Then Jon made Gane look pathetic and out of his league by choking him out against the cage, which had to be one of the most awkward and surprising submissions I’ve ever seen. You cannot possibly argue fighting is rigged, because that was a huge disappointment for all viewers, but the implication of it was satisfying. The implication being Jon is truly the pound for pound GOAT of UFC fighting right now. If he beats Stipe in July, he might as well retire, as the heavyweight division lacks spice with Ngannou gone. Congrats to Jon, the undisputed piece of shit who might have great music taste, and at least has good music taste.

The Author
I wrote this blog for a few reasons. One is because nobody in my circle of friends ever puts me on to music or things that are dope that I haven't heard about (step your game up friends!) as few people nerd out as hard as me on the dumb things I focus on. The other and main reason is because I am so tired of The NeedleDrop and Pitchfork, from the way Fantano talks about music, to the way that Pitchfork writes about it. Both cause me physical pain to read or watch, yet I for some reason occasionally check their review scores, because they are the only sites I know that do stay on top of music (to a degree), and they focus on genres that I'm not tapped into, so occasionally I find something good. Is it worth the pain? No. So let me save you the pain, by only sharing with you my favorites, and maybe you'll find a new favorite. Oh and I also love talking shit, so I'll do that too, but this blog is about showing love to great art.