4 Reasons to Move to Atlanta

I wrote this article for Kenny, he’s a young black comedian in Atlanta. Here’s his IG link if you want to follow him: https://www.instagram.com/kennysofye/. Anyways, I’m not sure if I’d recommend moving to Atlanta to anyone I know, friend or foe. I also genuinely didn’t mean to rhyme there. So Atlanta is an alright city, and I’m going to list 4 reasons why you absolutely should move here, because this city is right for some types of people. I’ll begin with the first:

1. If you’re gay

I didn’t know this about Atlanta when I got here, but there’s tons of gay people here. I lived in the Bay Area, which is the official gay mecca of America, but Atlanta gives it a run for its money. And honestly Atlanta is a much nicer city than the Bay Area, so if you’re Gay in the Bay, I’d highly recommend considering Atlanta. Unless of course Cali’s fearless leader Gavin Newsom was really able to keep all those homeless crackheads out of Frisco for more than a few weeks to appease the Chinese leader who visited San Fran. I doubt Gavin’s sweeping of the homeless with a giant broom permanently ended the homeless problem. Atlanta is also a clean city, and I’ve been told by a very gay and credible source that gay men like to keep clean. I apologize if that’s a blanket statement, but again, I got this from a very gay and trusted source. So yeah, if you’re gay, check out ATL!!!

2. If you’re woke 

This parallels the first reason, as Atlanta really is sort of like the new Bay Area. When I first visited and made the decision to move here, I was blacked out drunk, and I didn’t notice all the dudes twirling their mustaches and drinking IPAs. Then I moved here and was like damn, I must’ve really been blacked the fuck out. It totally went over my head. The hipster attire worn here is next-level. Honestly this place out bays The Bay. So if you’re woke, which there’s a good chance you are in today’s society that has brainwashed you with propaganda digested via social media and internet, then pack your shit up and move to ATL baby!!

3. If you’re black 

A lot of famous black rappers have come from the ATL and that’s no coincidence. Atlanta has a high black population. In fact, the county I live in is 91% black. I’m white and my wife is Asian. We’re fucking freaks out here in our county. And we rarely go into the city because it’s so woke that everything costs $15 minimum at any food establishment. If I was black, I’d be so happy here though, because it’s honestly not easy to find a modern city that is black dominant. Not that they don’t exist, but still. Black people make up 12.38% of the population, so my logic here isn’t just logic, it’s fucking facts b. Oh shit now I’m talking ebonics, hol’ the fuck up twin. Anyways I’ma bounce, peace to all my young black kings and queens out there livin’ they best life! 

4. If you like to shout ATL HOE! at concerts 

My favorite part about Atlanta by far is that there are always chants of ATL Hoe! at shows. It’s so fun. I could name 1,000 things that are more fun that originated in Cali, but I won’t, because this article is about why you should move to Atlanta. Oh and the housing prices are a bit better, but I moved here a year ago and they are still going up. I got a good housing price in my county, and genuinely wonder if it’s because most people don’t want to live in a 91% black county. My house was the nicest in my price range in the entire city no debate. Food for thought. If you read this far Kenny, I want you to do a deep dive into SoFu, and figure out this scandal. 



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The Author

I wrote this blog for a few reasons. One is because nobody in my circle of friends ever puts me on to music or things that are dope that I haven't heard about (step your game up friends!) as few people nerd out as hard as me on the dumb things I focus on. The other and main reason is because I am so tired of The NeedleDrop and Pitchfork, from the way Fantano talks about music, to the way that Pitchfork writes about it. Both cause me physical pain to read or watch, yet I for some reason occasionally check their review scores, because they are the only sites I know that do stay on top of music (to a degree), and they focus on genres that I'm not tapped into, so occasionally I find something good. Is it worth the pain? No. So let me save you the pain, by only sharing with you my favorites, and maybe you'll find a new favorite. Oh and I also love talking shit, so I'll do that too, but this blog is about showing love to great art. 


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