Instead of writing a bunch of bullshit, I’m going to write about the top 10 tracks on here and keep it short. This playlist is all of my favorite songs from 2024 in the hip-hop genre. 

1. Cavalier – Custard Spoon

I think this is just a nice way to kick off a playlist. This is what I’d play if I was in Paris getting topped off while a cheesy baguette is being stuffed into my bum. Jokes aside, I love this beat, and Cavalier is a beast of a rapper, especially live. He’s associated with Quelle Chris and Denmark Vessey, two underground legends.

2. Danny Brown – Keep It To Me

This is my favorite song of the year alongside the one below. Danny’s my favorite rapper ever and he usually has a fantastic ear for beats, though Quaranta had some misses. This appeared on Quaranta (Deluxe) and is produced by Black Noi$e, who is imo the evil twin of Clams Casino. This beat is flawless to me and Danny absolutely tears it to shreds using his laid-back flow that people refer to as “the old Danny Brown.” This beat is new Danny Brown all the way though. Danny also dropped a track with one of my favorite producers ever Black Milk, and that was surprisingly disappointing. Fun fact: I think I helped facilitate the Danny Brown and Black Milk reunion, DM me if interested. 

3. Roc Marciano – Tapeworm

This beat sounds like a victory lap after conquering the world. Produced by long-time Roc & Ka producer Animoss, the music fits Roc like a glove, while Roc does his typical lyrical shit-talking. By far the best track off of Marciology and the centerpiece of the album. My other favorite song of the year. Not a surprise that two of the best artists of the last 15 years dropped two of the best tracks in 2024. 

4. Big Hit, Hit-Boy, The Alchemist – Only Weight I Feel

Free Big Hit!!! This track was featured on one of the best albums of 2024 from my top album list for 2024. This beat is produced by Hit-Boy and not Alc, and I swear Hit-Boy saves his best stuff for his dad. Good kid. Crazy beat! And yeah, Big Hit is his dad. I love this song. 

5. Britton Rauscher, Producedbydm – MIZZBEHAVING GEEMIX

This beat is smooth and it’s mostly just a slick chorus with a short verse, but this is all about the vibe. Britton Rauscher oozes swag and gives this soothing beat the perfect tone and lyrics to match. I found myself gravitating towards this track quite a lot this year. 

6. NxWorries (feat. Rae Khalil) – OutTheWay

NxWorries 2 was my album of the year. This is one of the best songs on it. Go listen to NxWorries 2 NOW.

7. Lupe Fiasco – Samurai

The title track off his album “Samurai” was the clear-cut best track on this album, no debate imo. This sounds like 2006 Lupe, and is produced by the guy who helped create 2006 Lupe (Soundtrakk). This is up there with some of my favorite Lupe tracks. Well done. 

8. Joey Valence & Brae – JOHN CENA

I had to pick one of their songs for the top 10, and this is probably the one most people will enjoy, though this album is a must listen. Super fun track. Amazing beat. And these white bois bring the energy. Most exciting group to come in the game for a minute. 

9. Denzel Curry, Key Nyata – ULTRA SHXT

This is what I want Denzel to sound like on every track. Reuniting with his Raider Klan mate Key Nyata, they both come in hard over this 2012-sounding beat. Is this on par with the previous 8 tracks here? No. I really should’ve just done a top 8, but 10 is more uniform. 

10. The Musalini, Real Ice Lord, O Finess – Respect It

This is the most formulaic track on my list, but it’s also maybe the most simple/pure. Mu$ is maybe the most prolific artist in rap for the last 5 years. Dude is hungry and keeps releasing good to great albums. He is averaging like 4-5 albums a year. Only dude to do this since Curren$y, but I enjoy Mu$ a bit more if I’m being honest, which I always am. 



























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The Author

I wrote this blog for a few reasons. One is because nobody in my circle of friends ever puts me on to music or things that are dope that I haven't heard about (step your game up friends!) as few people nerd out as hard as me on the dumb things I focus on. The other and main reason is because I am so tired of The NeedleDrop and Pitchfork, from the way Fantano talks about music, to the way that Pitchfork writes about it. Both cause me physical pain to read or watch, yet I for some reason occasionally check their review scores, because they are the only sites I know that do stay on top of music (to a degree), and they focus on genres that I'm not tapped into, so occasionally I find something good. Is it worth the pain? No. So let me save you the pain, by only sharing with you my favorites, and maybe you'll find a new favorite. Oh and I also love talking shit, so I'll do that too, but this blog is about showing love to great art.